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Tiny Framework theme version history

Tiny Framework v2.1.1 (2015-06-01):


  • Added new file: content-single.php. content.php was split to content.php + content-single.php to make it easier to customize single posts (via Underscores).
  • Translation: added Norwegian (Bokmål) translation. Big thanks to Tore Johnny Bråtveit!
  • Translation: added Norwegian (Nynorsk) translation. Big thanks to Tore Johnny Bråtveit!


  • Enhancement: added CSS styles to remove image borders from the icons of the plugin: Share Buttons by AddToAny.
  • Enhancement: don't use esc_html__() on translation containing HTML (via Underscores).
  • Enhancement: escape translations on comments.php, footer.php, functions.php and in custom template tags (via Underscores).
  • Enhancement: updated Theme document structure in readme.txt.
  • Enhancement: improved Site Logo support by using full image size instead of a thumbnail. Thanks Johanna Hector for asking!
  • Enhancement: added overflow: hidden for the header in the case Site Logo is too wide.
  • Enhancement: moved $content_width within setup function (via Underscores). Big thanks to Fränk Klein for the help figuring that out!

Tiny Framework v2.1.0 (2015-04-30):


  • Enhancement: moved template parts into their own dedicated folder and update Infinite Scroll to reflect this change (via Underscores). This might break compatibility with a custom implementation, but because theme is very young, I hope the chance for that is very small.
  • Enhancement: better coding standards for no content template (via Underscores).
  • Enhancement: adjusted author title line height in archive view.
  • Enhancement: increased size for emoji and smiley icons, so they would look better (for child themes, for Tiny Framework CSS styles are commented out).
  • Enhancement: improved CSS styling when Infinite Scroll is active.
  • Translation: updated German translation. Big thanks to Ralph Stieber!

Tiny Framework v2.0.7 (2015-04-26):


  • Added new file: js/html5shiv.js - to also have unminified version.


  • Enhancement: updated CSS styles for Custom Menu widget to make it look similar to Categories widget.
  • Enhancement: updated CSS styles for RSS widget.
  • Enhancement: improved a:hover CSS styles for Custom Menu and Categories widgets.
  • Accessibility: added focus property for the widget links, site title and description, post and archive nvigation links.

Tiny Framework v2.0.6 (2015-04-21):


  • Enhancement: increased default widget font size 13px --> 14px.


Tiny Framework v2.0.5 (2015-04-17):


  • Added new file: js/functions.js to contain various additional JavaScript functions.
  • Enhancement: added white search icons in case someone would like to create darker themes.
  • Enhancement: added Tip23 - Mark links to documents with corresponding icons for PDF, Word, Excel, PowerPoint and archive documents (style.css).
  • Enhancement: added Tip88 - Customize color scheme (style.css) (also in child themes).
  • Enhancement: added Tip37 - Automatically style author's name in a blockquote. Author's name should be enclosed in <cite> (style.css) (can also be used in child themes)
  • Accessibility: added focus property for the main navigation links in mobile view.
  • Accessibility: added function to remove title attributes when the title attribute is the same as the link text (via theme Universal).
  • Translation: added new line: "Opens in a new window".


  • Updated normalize CSS to v3.0.3.
  • Enhancement: updated editor styles to better display images and captions in small screens (via Twenty Fifteen).
  • Enhancement: increased default Font Awesome icon webfont size 14px --> 16px making it convenient to use in the content.
  • Enhancement: increased theme screenshot size to 1200px x 900px (via Underscores).
  • Enhancement: increased the Minimum width of first media query 770px --> 783 pixels, so it would be activated at the same time as mobile view of WordPress admin-bar.
  • Enhancement: replaced JavaScript for handling the navigation menu accessible tabbing from jQuery solution to vanilla JavaScript (via Underscores).
  • Enhancement: disabled external link icon for some popular social sharing plugins' icons.
  • Enhancement: make WP admin-bar sticky from the beginning for a consistent user experience and avoid theme menu covering it.
  • Enhancement: improved CSS styling of cite inside blockquote
  • Accessibility: made Tip25 accessible (Mark the links that will open in a new window with special icon, usually these are the links to external resources) (via theme Universal).
  • Translation: updated Japanese translation. Big thanks to Ishikawa Koutarou! @stein2nd
  • Translation: updated Swedish translation. Big thanks to tommywik!


  • Translation: corrected German translation strings "on" and "no-subset" that should not be translated.
  • Fixed mobile menu being covered by WordPress admin-bar. Big thanks to WebTrooper!
  • Prevent very large image with a caption and without alignment overflowing the content.

Tiny Framework v2.0.4 (2015-03-19):


  • Enhancement: added CSS styles for table head and alternating rows.
  • Enhancement: added Tip25c - no-link-icon CSS class - use it to disable special icon, that marks the links that will open in a new window for an individual link, include no-link-icon class for the desired link (style.css)
  • Enhancement: added markup for body, header, etc... via Greg Rickaby's Example Markup.
  • Enhancement: created two new sections in functions.php - "Functions to optimize performance" and "Functions to increase security".
  • Enhancement: added HTML5 support for default core markup: widgets. It will be introduced in WordPress 4.2. Although it is fair to note, that currently widget generation is set via functions.php manually. If standard WP generated content of a widget will be similar of what is set via functions.php now, in WordPress 4.4 I'll consider removing manual settings: before_widget and after_widget.
  • Accessibility: added outline for buttons.
  • Accessibility: added Entry Title just for screen readers for Link, Quote and Status post formats. It is also required to maintain proper heading structure of the document for these post formats.
  • Translation: added Spanish translation. Big thanks to Antonio Sánchez!
  • Translation: added Italian translation. Big thanks to en_ry!


  • Enhancement: replaced hard-coded HTML4 search form for mobile menu with the standard HTML5 form generated by WordPress core.
  • Enhancement: replaced hard-coded HTML4 search form in Tip10 for child themes with the standard HTML5 form generated by WordPress core. Big thanks to ElectricFeet!
  • Enhancement: updated rtl.css and editor-style-rtl.css files.
  • Enhancement: moved Font Awesome files from inc/ to fonts/ folder.
  • Enhancement: updated Font Awesome to version 4.3.0.
  • Enhancement: updated ie.css styles.
  • Enhancement: updated CSS styles for buttons.
  • Enhancement: wrapped Entry Title of Aside post format in <header>.
  • Enhancement: updated CSS style for Quote post format.
  • Enhancement: moved RSS icon style rule lower to prevent it from being overridden by other social icon rules (via Twenty Fifteen).
  • Enhancement: replaced Open Sans font fall-back from Helvetica, Arial, "Nimbus Sans L" to Verdana, Geneva, "DejaVu Sans". That gives us more consistent character density and feel. More info.
  • Enhancement: removed line-height for many elements to make them depended on the main line-height of the document and override only when necessary.
  • Enhancement: changed CSS $rembase 14px --> 16px (via Underscores).
  • Enhancement: adjusted size of H2 and H3 headings in the content area according to "Golden Ratio" for 16px content font size (Headlines: 26px; Sub-headlines: 20px; Primary Text: 16px; Secondary Text: 13px), also updated styles for blockquote and other elements.
  • Enhancement: unified font sizes used throughout the theme, changing many elements with font of 10px -> 11px; 12px and 14px -> 13px; 15px -> 16px.
  • Enhancement: disabled the overflow: hidden for the .site to avoid clipping of top menu sub-items.
  • Enhancement: improved text spacing for the first paragraph of a widget when using auto-paragraph feature.
  • Enhancement: sanitized location.hash in skip-link-focus-fix.js before passing it to getElementById (via Underscores).
  • Enhancement: made navigation consistent - using the comment navigation the same way as the new the_post_navigation() and the_posts_navigation() (via Underscores).
  • Enhancement: increased spacing for tap targets in mobile view (manually created social icons, small meta links) to get better Google PageSpeed Insights score.
  • Enhancement: changed sidebar container from div to aside.
  • Enhancement: changed widget container from aside to section (that is also how it will be by default starting from WordPress 4.2).
  • Enhancement: changed widget container of Copyright widget from ul/li to div/section to make it uniform with other footer widgets.
  • Enhancement: rewrote anonymous function as tinyframework_modify_archive_title to prevent PHP errors on older servers.
  • Accessibility: adjusted color for the label of Link post format.
  • Accessibility: increased contrast for post meta icons.
  • Accessibility: made aria-controls refer to an ID instead of a class. Prevents ARIA error (via Underscores).
  • Translation: unified terms Social Menu -> Social Links Menu.
  • Translation: added sentence to the Copyright widget description: Use Text widget with no Title.


  • Moved custom hook, so wp_head() would be the last function before the head tag. Big thanks to Antonio Sánchez!
  • Social Menu was not generated by child theme. Big thanks to John MacKenzie!
  • Fixed error in comments section. Thanks to en_ry!
  • Added missing border for the Calendar Widget table bottom cell.
  • Fixed width of several comment form input elements to make them not overflow small screens.

Tiny Framework v2.0.3 (2015-01-19):

  • Enhancement: moved all Font Awesome files to one location. It will be easier to maintain the font and easier for users to renew font files at will.
  • Enhancement: updated editor-style.css to match current front-end styles.
  • Enhancement: replaced CSS Reset with CSS Normalize (via Underscores).
  • Enhancement: adjusted search field width in mobile menu for normal and focused state, so it would fit on one line for older iPhones.
  • Enhancement: consolidated similar code from content.php and author.php into author-bio.php (via Twenty Fifteen).
  • Accessibility: fixed background color for #no-javascript. Big thanks to John MacKenzie!
  • Accessibility: improved document outline by changing hidden title for Primary Menu H1-->H2 and single post author heading H3-->H2.
  • Accessibility: updated Site Title and Site Description code (via Twenty Fifteen). Now on the home page Site Title is H1 and is not a link, on archive pages it's H1 link (to keep the constant structure of headings), on single pages it's p. Also moving to one H1 per page. It will give clean outline and structure, good for semantics, assistive technology and search engines.
  • Bug fix: site title and description gets color set in customizer. Big thanks to John MacKenzie!

Tiny Framework v2.0.2 (2015-01-12):

  • Enhancement: added custom classes .no-js and .js for HTML element to handle those specific cases when JavaScript is disabled (via Twenty Fifteen).
  • Enhancement: updated code for Previous/next comments page navigation to use webicons instead of hard-coded arrows.
  • Enhancement: refactored style.css file for child theme example according to the Underscores style.css structure.
  • Enhancement: removed Tip23 - Properly resize videos, inserted with oembed - (functions.php, style.css). It was causing problems with embedded tweets.
  • Enhancement: updated 404.php and content-none.php to use section instead of article. Also updated section class names (via Underscores).
  • Enhancement: addded: content-search.php to inc/examples/ (via Twenty Fifteen).
  • Enhancement: changed #site-info and #site-info-2 to .site-info and .site-info-2 to get in line with Underscores.
  • Enhancement: dropped support for IE7.
  • Enhancement: improved index.php and search.php files (via Twenty Fifteen).
  • Enhancement: added new Tip34 - Display image Description field content in attachment view (image.php).
  • Enhancement: changed 960px media query to 1100px.