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Tiny Framework theme version history

Tiny Framework v2.0.1 (2014-12-18):

  • Enhancement: refactored most of the theme files for better readability, understanding and uniformity.
  • Enhancement: refactored style.css file according to the Underscores style.css structure.
  • Enhancement: updated CSS reset (via Twenty Fifteen and Underscores).
  • Enhancement: switched from standard content-box CSS sizing to more natural border-box.
  • Enhancement: replaced CSS classes to get more in line with Underscores, see readme.txt for more details.
  • Enhancement: replaced functions generating post meta data with new ones, added webicons to describe meta data type (via Twenty Fifteen).
  • Enhancement: removed temporary function to let older WP installations use HTML5 galleries.
  • Enhancement: removed Custom Header and Background Admin Callbacks (in WP 4.1 these admin screens are removed from the core).
  • Enhancement: added theme support for title-tag - let WordPress manage the document title.
  • Enhancement: added validation prior activating the theme - Tiny Framework only works in WordPress 4.1 or later (to avoid compatibility code for the title-tag) (via Twenty Fifteen).
  • Enhancement: changed the way the_title is coded in posts (via Underscores).
  • Enhancement: made the_title of Archive listings h2 instead of h1 - good for accessibility and SEO (via Twenty Fifteen).
  • Enhancement: using the new archive template tags and making archive template titling way simpler (via Twenty Fifteen).
  • Enhancement: added Font Awesome webfont and Twitter Bootstrap alerts to the styles of the visual editor (via Twenty Fifteen).
  • Enhancement: moved many service functions from functions.php and repeating functions from individual files to template-tags.php.
  • Enhancement: moved some repeating peaces of code from theme files to template-tags.php.
  • Enhancement: removed all hardcoded webicons from the theme files and embedded them via style.css.
  • Enhancement: improved functions.php code that includes Google fonts used as system fonts of the theme (via Twenty Fifteen).
  • Enhancement: improved template-tags.php code that adds "...continue reading" link for the automatically generated Excerpts (via Twenty Fifteen).
  • Enhancement: updated html5shiv 3.7.0 -> 3.7.2.
  • Enhancement: using proper way to get customizer settings values (via Twenty Twelve).
  • Enhancement: updated code that generates content page links (via Twenty Fifteen).
  • Enhancement: updated code for Previous/next post navigation to use new function the_post_navigation (via Twenty Fifteen).
  • Enhancement: added better highlights for tapped links in iOS Safari (via Twenty Fifteen).
  • Enhancement: menu on touch devices: fixed jQuery selector for menu items with submenus (via Twenty Twelve).
  • Enhancement: showing a bio on author entries automatically, if a user has filled out their description.
  • Enhancement: removed Tip34 - Display author info card at the bottom of posts on a single author website.
  • Enhancement: changed _e -> esc_html_e and __ -> esc_html__ for a better translation security.
  • Enhancement: updated functions.php item numbering, see readme.txt for more details.
  • Accessibility: improved menu toggle accessibility. Makes it a little easier to use the primary navigation with assistive devices (via Undersocres).
  • Enhancement: made "skip to content" link work correctly in IE9, Chrome, and Opera for better accessibility (via Twenty Fifteen).

Tiny Framework v2.0.0 (2014-11-02):

This change log reflects theme development going from Tiny Forge v1.6.0 to Tiny Framework v2.0.0

  • Enhancement: new mobile menu look and functionality: sticky menu + integrated search.
  • Enhancement: new navigation menu for social networking link management.
  • Enhancement: added Tip85 - Add Social Media Menu (optional) (footer.php, style.css, inc/menu-social.php).
  • Enhancement: added Tip86 - Style social icons in the sidebar (optional) (style.css) (also in child themes).
  • Enhancement: Elusive icon webfont replaced with Font Awesome webfont.
  • Enhancement: integrated Theme Hook Alliance custom action hooks
  • Enhancement: added Tip87 - Action Hook implementation example (footer.php, functions.php) (also in child themes).
  • Enhancement: removed custom logo component in favor of the compatibility with Site Logo feature, that is also available as a component of the Jetpack plugin. (Development branch of Site Logo stand-alone plugin that is no longer maintained)
  • Enhancement: added Tip14 - Site Logo plugin/feature support (header.php, style.css, rtl.css, /inc/plugin-compatibility.php).
  • Enhancement: added compatibility for Jetpack's Infinite Scroll.
  • Enhancement: added Tip35 - Jetpack Infinite Scroll support (style.css, /inc/plugin-compatibility.php).
  • Enhancement: fixed main website's document structure to get in line with Underscores theme (see readme.txt for more details).
  • Enhancement: moved some of the Footer code to functions.php file. This will make easier to develop with child themes - to make changes in the Footer, you will not need to copy actual footer.php file, but instead make all changes in functions.php file.
  • Enhancement: cleaned up functions.php making it more readable, moved some functions to inc/template-tags.php.
  • Enhancement: added escaping to custom header (proper attribute escaping is added) (via Underscores).
  • Enhancement: improved 404.php and added sidebar to it for more consistent look (via Underscores).
  • Enhancement: external link icon image replaced with web font icon.
  • Enhancement: added additional CSS rules to style.css to change the site layout.
  • Enhancement: added Tip52 - Adjust default site layout for normal view (style.css) (also in child themes).
  • Enhancement: added Tip52b - Change site layout (position of sidebar) for normal view (style.css) (also in child themes).
  • Enhancement: added website's document structure schema to readme.txt.
  • Enhancement: added Tip01b - Properly exclude (dequeue and/or deregister) CSS and JavaScript files via functions.php.
  • Enhancement: added Tip53 - Change vertical spacing between lines in Recent Posts widget (style.css) (also in child themes).
  • Enhancement: changing @-ms-viewport width from device-width to auto!important to fix IE scrollbar covering part of the website and particularly obstructing the scrollbar of a large mobile menu (reference).
  • Accessibility: many changes to make theme accessibility-ready. Please read readme.txt for more details.
  • Translation: significant changes compared to Tiny Forge, translation will have to be redone.